Vulnerable Customers

Wedding Insurance - Cancellation Or Postponement

Do You Need Extra Care?

As part of our commitment to looking after customers who may be experiencing vulnerability – including people affected by family violence, Niche Insurance has internal processes and procedures in place to ensure our products and services are accessible and can cater for customers with specific needs.

Niche Insurance defines vulnerable customers as customers and prospective customers whose ability or circumstances require us to take extra precautions in the way that we sell and provide our services to ensure that they are not disadvantaged in any way.

Our staff are trained to identify customers who may be vulnerable so we can take extra steps to assist outside of our standard procedures. However, it is not always possible to recognise customers with additional needs. If you believe you may fit the criteria of a customer who may be vulnerable, please let us know of your specific needs.

Section Separator Heart

Domestic & Family Violence

Family violence can happen to anyone. If you are experiencing family violence and need this to be taken into consideration when you buy a policy or make a claim, please let us know so we can put in place processes that will protect you and your family.

In line with the Family Law Act 1975, section 4AB and Family Law Legislation Amendment Act 2011, ‘Niche Insurance’ defines Family Violence as;

Violent, threatening or other behaviour by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person’s family (the family member), or causes the family member to be fearful.

This also includes harm caused to children who are exposed to family violence.

If you or your family are in immediate danger Call 000. To access 24 / 7 counselling and support call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

In respect of family violence, Niche Insurance;

  • Trains its employees to help them recognise instances of family violence and to understand that safety is paramount for anyone affected by family violence.
  • Protects private and confidential information of customers affected by family violence.
  • Minimises the number of times a customer affected by family violence needs to disclose information about family violence.
  • Ensures that claims handling processes for claimants affected by family violence are appropriate and sensitive. 
Service PhoneWebsiteServices provided
 1800RESPECT1800 737 national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.
Safe Steps1800 015 crisis support for women and children. Provides information on family violence support services, legal rights and accommodation options.
Men’s Referral Service1300 766 and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals service.
 inTouch1800 755, programs and responses to issues of family violence in migrant and refugee communities.
 switchboard1800 755 Advice and counselling to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTIQ+) people in Victoria & Tasmania


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Financial Hardship

f you’re having difficulty meeting your financial obligations to us, we may be able to assist you with financial hardship support. Financial hardship can result from a variety of circumstances and affect everyone differently. If you are experiencing financial hardship we can support you in a number of ways including implementing payment options for your claims excess, or temporarily placing on hold any recoveries by us.

If you would like to discuss our financial hardship options, please contact our team by phone on 1300 774 956 or send an email to [email protected]

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Customers With Additional Needs

We want to ensure buying a policy or making a claim is as easy as possible. If you have specific needs and would like us to consider these when buying a policy or making a claim, please let us know.

Specific needs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Deaf, hearing impaired, deafblind and speech impaired
  • Visually impaired
  • Language or literacy difficulties (including learning difficulties such as dyslexia and English not being a first language)
  • Personal circumstances that may have adversely impacted on your physical, or mental health (including family violence)
Service PhoneWebsiteServices provided
TIS National131 interpreting service provided by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.
National Relay Service133 service that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment.

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