Wedding Cars & Transport

Wedding Insurance - Wedding Cars & Transport

We Will Cover

We will cover you, up to the amount in the schedule, following loss or accidental damage to hired equipment for which you have accepted responsibility under a signed agreement during the period of the wedding event.

Section Separator Heart

We Will Not Cover

We will not pay for any claims directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to by, or resulting from:

  1. Damage to flooring caused by footwear.
  2. Damage to audio and visual entertainment equipment.
  3. Loss or damage caused by or resulting from theft from any unattended vehicle unless at the time of the theft its windows, doors and compartments were closed and locked and there are visible signs that the theft was the result of forced entry.
  4. Loss or damage caused by or resulting from theft from any unattended premises, unless such theft is consequent upon actual forcible and violent entry upon the said premises or any attempt thereat.
  5. Any wilful or malicious act, act of vandalism or deliberate act by you.
  6. Claims arising from erection and/or dismantling of any hired equipment.

Just before you go...

Please enter your details below and we will send you a quote for your wedding. So you can come back anytime and start where you left off!