Wedding Attire

Wedding Insurance - Wedding Attire

We Will Cover

We will cover you, up to the amount shown in the schedule, for loss or damage to wedding attire occurring prior to the wedding event.

In the event of lost or stolen wedding attire, we will pay the cost to replace the wedding attire with a replacement of equal value. In the event of damaged wedding attire, we will pay repair costs not exceeding the original cost of the wedding attire. If replacement or repair is not possible in time for the wedding event, or it is not economical to repair the wedding attire, we will pay the cost of any necessary wedding attire rental charges.

In the event of damaged wedding attire during the wedding event, we will pay the cost to repair the wedding attire or if it is not possible or economical to repair the wedding attire, the reasonable market value of lost or damaged wedding attire immediately prior to the loss or damage (taking into account the variance in value between new and used attire) subject to a maximum payment of fifty percent (50%) of the original purchase price.

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We Will Not Cover

We will not pay for any claims directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to by, or resulting from:

  1. Theft or attempted theft of wedding attire that is not reported to the police as soon as reasonably practicable but no later than three (3) days after your discovery of the loss.
  2. Loss or damage by theft or attempted theft of any wedding attire left in any unattended vehicle unless the vehicle is fully locked and secured and where forcible and visible entry into the vehicle is made.
  3. Damage arising from alterations, wear and tear, moth or vermin.
  4. Damage arising from atmospheric or climatic conditions (other than during the wedding event).
  5. For wedding attire not purchased as new, loss or damage caused by any process or cleaning, restoration or repair.

Just before you go...

Please enter your details below and we will send you a quote for your wedding. So you can come back anytime and start where you left off!